Doom's Deathmatch Birth
Ripped from the Phoenix, Doom has arrived in a strange world where his only company is a Strogg Cyborg with an attitude. He must learn the new rules of his environment.
Doom bojuje ve své první aréně proti svému prvnímu oponentovi, kterým se stal Visor - kyborg, který je podle všeho prvním bojovníkem v Arénách vůbec. Doom se musí drsným způsobem naučit pravidla hry v Arénách.
- muž, kyborg (strogg)
- None of the warrior clones that populate the Arenas know the name of the first of their line. In those rare moments when not training of fighting, the clones speculate on the origins of Visor Prime or just "Visor" as he has come to be known. Many believe him to have been synthesized from the dominant genes of countless warriors. Others believe him to be one of Terra's legendary heroes. Visor knows, but he never tells.
- More of Visor - VISOR2,
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