Dragon age - Leliana profile


- woman, rogue, bard, Orlesian human
- voice by: Corinne Kempa

Wanna enhance Lelianas look?
DOWNLOAD "Elegant Leliana" HERE
DOWNLOAD "Elf Leliana 2" HERE
DOWNLOAD "Sacred Ashes Leliana" HERE  (I recommend)
DOWNLOAD "Evil Leliana" HERE
DOWNLOAD "your custom Leliana" HERE
DOWNLOAD "Leliana tuned" HERE
DOWNLOAD "Longhair Leliana" HERE
DOWNLOAD "Prettier Leliana" HERE
DOWNLOAD "Leliana glowing, white and sexy" HERE
DOWNLOAD "Lelianas better facial expression" HERE

WARNING: spoiler alert!
don´t read the following if you want to be surprised!

tips and tricks:
she can have a relationship with a woman too.
the best gift for her is the half-pig-half-bunny, which you can buy in Orzammar, then, this creature will be in your camp and will do the awful sounds :) WATCH NOW, then the flower and everything about Andrasta
she will once sing a song by the camp fire WATCH NOW, there are 2 possibilities of specialisation - archery, two weapons.Leliana is modeled after Alexandra "Alleykatze" Stein, the best thing she says: "The righteous stand before the darkness, and the Maker shall guide their hand." WATCH NOW

Penulis : germia ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

Artikel Dragon age - Leliana profile ini dipublish oleh germia pada hari čtvrtek 12. července 2012. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Dragon age - Leliana profile

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